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Arnaud "APPIX" Piat est un photographe autodidacte. Il se familiarise avec la photographie dès son plus jeune âge, pour atteindre une certaine maturité vers l’âge de 18 ans. Longtemps laissé en friche, il souhaite aujourd’hui faire découvrir son art au grand public.


A force des années, il a pu rassembler un éventail de photographies par thèmes (photos de mariage en Noir et Blanc, Sports, Voyages). C’est surtout à travers ses proches qu’il mettait en œuvre son art. N’étant plus dans les carcans de la figuration, il se dirige plutôt vers l’abstraction. Il aime travailler à partir de surfaces vitrées qui lui permettent d’avoir des effets surprenants. Il photographie à la fois des scènes de rue et des scènes purement géométriques variant ainsi sa production.

Photographe de la ville dans l'âme, il a su séduire par son œil précis et imaginatif sur la beauté des scènes de rue. Obstiné à « arrêter ce temps qui fuit », plutôt « pêcheur d'images » que « chasseur d'images », sa renommée est essentiellement fondée sur son regard léger sur les rues des villes, qu'il sait dépeindre avec une sensibilité incroyable sans retouche informatique.

« Mon travail évolue par entropie, par perte progressive de contrôle. Disons que je laisse de plus en plus de place au hasard, à l’intuition, à l’accident. Je remplace progressivement l’expérience théorique par la pratique, le vécu ».

Appix utilise à la fois  la technique de l’argentique et du numérique. Il n’a pas de préférences pour aucun format, il préfère se laisser guider par son for intérieur. Indépendant, il est tout de même influencé par le travail de Sebastiao Salgado, de Cartier-Bresson et de David Muench. 

Il a été Artiste Permanent de la Galerie Artitude à Paris pendant deux ans (2013/2015) et a été nominé aux 2016 Artavita Online Art Contest.

Une de ses photos apparaît parmi les 20 photos les mieux notées du site :


Appix : An Unexpected Turn Towards Art

Appix’s foray into professional photography was serendipitous. Initially, he made a living as an English-French translator, a profession that also demanded a certain level of creativity and attention to detail. However, a chance visit to a contemporary art exhibition in Paris twelve years ago changed the course of his career. Engaging with exhibitors and witnessing the diverse forms of visual art on display, Appix realized that he could channel his own artistic vision into photography. This revelation sparked a newfound passion, prompting him to pursue photography full-time. Living in Paris, Appix found endless inspiration in the city’s vibrant streets and eclectic culture. The urban landscape became his muse, ofering a plethora of opportunities to capture the raw, unfiltered essence of city life. His work began to reflect a deeper, more abstract approach, moving away from traditional representational forms to explore more nuanced and interpretive themes.

This shift in style marked a significant turning point in Appix’s career. His ability to see beauty in the mundane and transform everyday scenes into compelling visual narratives set him apart from his contemporaries. The streets of Paris, with their rich history and dynamic energy, became the backdrop for his artistic evolution, shaping his unique perspective on urban photography.

Transformative Techniques and Influences


Appix’s current work is distinguished by its abstract nature, a departure from his earlier representational pieces. He finds inspiration in the unexpected, often working with glass surfaces to create surprising visual efects. His photographs of irregular wall surfaces, digitally retouched to enhance their texture and depth, are a testament to his innovative approach. This meticulous attention to detail and his ability to manipulate light and shadow allow Appix to create images that are both striking and thought-provoking. Appix’s artistic influences are as diverse as his body of work. He draws inspiration from renowned photographers such as Sebastiao Salgado, Cartier-Bresson, Robert Doisneau, Willy Ronis, Steve McCurry, and David Muench. Each of these artists has left an indelible mark on Appix’s style, informing his understanding of composition, light, and storytelling. Their work serves as a constant source of motivation, encouraging him to push the boundaries of his own creativity.

Despite the evolving nature of his art, Appix remains grounded in the fundamentals of photography. He seamlessly blends analog and digital techniques, using each to complement and enhance the other. This hybrid approach allows him to capture the authenticity of film while leveraging the flexibility and precision of digital technology, resulting in images that are both timeless and contemporary.

“I like to work from glass surfaces that allow surprising effects and take pictures of irregular wall surfaces that are digitally retouched.”

A Personal Connection to His Work


Among Appix’s extensive portfolio, one piece holds particular significance. In the early 2000s, during a visit to Venice, Italy, he captured a seemingly ordinary yet profoundly evocative photograph. The image features Appix and his lady friend reflected in a glass window, alongside two unidentified Asian individuals. This photograph sparked the idea for a series of works focusing on reflections and glass surfaces, a theme that has since become a hallmark of his style. This particular piece resonates deeply with Appix, not only for its aesthetic qualities but also for its personal and symbolic meanings. It encapsulates a moment of clarity and inspiration that propelled him to explore new artistic directions. The interplay of reflections, combined with the juxtaposition of diferent cultures and identities, adds a layer of complexity and intrigue to the image, inviting viewers to contemplate their own interpretations.

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